

Smith would not be here without the generosity of generations of donors, 也就是说澳门葡京博彩软件的未来就落在你的肩上了. 从小面额到大面额, 每件礼物都很重要, 你们的参与传递了一个信息,那就是你们理解, 感激, 并且想成为这个统一体的一部分. 在很多事情需要关注的时候, giving to Smith ensures that we can continue to cultivate 和 educate the people 和 activists who will right past wrongs, 发明急需的解决方案, 引领建设一个人人平等、包容的社会. There are many 给的机会 that fund outst和ing faculty, 为各种背景的学生提供经济援助, 创新的编程, 基础设施升级等等. Pick one—or several—as you invest in the health of our school 和 our world.



澳门葡京博彩软件基金 is the driving force that sustains all that makes Smith exceptional 和 equips Smithies to follow their passions 和 change the world for the better. 作为 澳门葡京博彩软件基金, you can open up a world of opportunities 和 help transform lives. 定期捐款会产生很大的影响. 你是澳门葡京博彩软件力量的源泉.




将你的个人激情与广泛的 给的机会.


Smith has launched an ambitious initiative: to raise $200 million in endowed scholarship aid.



Smith’s bold reimagining of career development has the goal of increasing career success 和 satisfaction for every alum.


有创意的 & 表演艺术

Establishing a Smith Office for the Arts provides a unique opportunity to extend the benefits of an arts education to all students while strengthening the arts on campus.



Endowed professorships are a key driver of Smith’s academic enterprise 和 represent a unique opportunity for donors to shape Smith’s future.



经络 is an intersectional feminist journal based at 澳门葡京博彩软件 that has been showcasing the ideas 和 voices of women of color for more than 20 years.


澳门葡京博彩软件的捐赠是简单而无缝的. 选择最适合你的选项.

澳门葡京博彩软件 is a 501(c)3 public charity registered as The Trustees of the 澳门葡京博彩软件 with a federal tax ID (EIN) of 04-1843040. 澳门葡京博彩软件的财政年度从7月1日到6月30日. For a copy of your gift receipt, 请与礼品及档案部职员联络 giftaccounting@lfchatkcrdifzr.com,免费电话800-526-2023(选项2)或413-585-2036.

在网上做一个安全的信用卡礼物. You can make a credit card gift over the phone by calling 413-585-2036.

All checks should be made payable to 澳门葡京博彩软件 和 mailed to the following address. Any gift restrictions can be noted in the check's memo line or via an accompanying note.

北安普顿,MA 01063

直接赠送增值证券(股票), 债券, 共同基金(股份)可以为你提供税收优惠. 你可以使用我们的 股份转让表格 to prepare the information for your broker 和 access transfer instructions. For additional assistance, 请与礼品及档案部职员联络 giftaccounting@lfchatkcrdifzr.com,免费电话800-526-2023(选项2)或413-585-2036.

如果你的年龄在70岁半或以上,并且拥有个人退休账户, 你可以直接向澳门葡京博彩软件免税. 欲了解更多信息,请参阅我们的 礼品策划网站. Make sure that you contact the Gifts 和 Records staff when you direct the rollover so we can look for the check from your IRA administrator at giftaccounting@lfchatkcrdifzr.com,免费电话800-526-2023(选项2)或413-585-2036.

有形个人财产的馈赠, 比如艺术, 书, musical instruments 和 other items that would help advance Smith’s educational mission can be eligible for a tax deductible donation. 了解更多 about gifts of personal property or contact the Office of 礼物规划 at giftplanning@lfchatkcrdifzr.com 或拨打413-585-2051.

阅读我们的 接受礼品政策 (PDF).


To make a gift by wire transfer, 请与礼品及档案部职员联络 giftaccounting@lfchatkcrdifzr.com,免费电话800-526-2023(选项2)或413-585-2036.

Each charity administering donor advised funds has its own grant recommendation procedures. It may be helpful to know that 澳门葡京博彩软件 is legally registered with the IRS as The Trustees of the 澳门葡京博彩软件 with a tax ID (EIN) of 04-1843040. If you have any questions or concerns about donating through a DAF, 请与礼品及档案部职员联络 giftaccounting@lfchatkcrdifzr.com,免费电话800-526-2023(选项2)或413-585-2036.

住宅礼品, 包括度假屋和农场, 允许捐赠人获得税收减免, 避免资本利得税, retain lifetime occupancy for herself or himself 和/or another person—和 provide support for Smith. 了解更多 about gifting real estate or contact the Office of 礼物规划 at giftplanning@lfchatkcrdifzr.com 或拨打413-585-2051.

澳门葡京博彩软件 艺术博物馆 accepts only works of art that can be added to its permanent collection. 考虑捐赠艺术品的捐赠者应与博物馆联系,电话是 artmuseum@lfchatkcrdifzr.com or 413-585-2760.

Many employers sponsor matching gift programs 和 will match charitable contributions made by their employees. 为了了解贵公司是否有配对礼品政策, 请使用此表格 或者向人力资源部查询.

除了上面列出的方法之外, 澳门葡京博彩软件 employees can also elect to give via payroll deduction. You will be able to set up payroll deduction pledges in Workday.

澳门葡京博彩软件's acceptance of charitable gifts is governed by its 接受礼品政策. 如有任何问题,请与我们联系.

接受礼品政策 (PDF)



每年有成千上万的游客参观展览, 安装, 和 teaching galleries in the SCMA collection; 和 now they can do so for free, 感谢澳门葡京博彩软件校友的慷慨 Jan Fullgraf Golann ' 71简·铁姆肯64年. "Connecting people with art is fundamental to the mission of the 澳门葡京博彩软件 艺术博物馆. Thanks to the extraordinary generosity of Jan Fullgraf Golann 和 Jane Timken, I'm thrilled that admission to the museum is now free for all visitors,杰西卡·尼科尔说, 导演, 路易丝·伊内斯·道尔34岁, 馆长. The alumnae network has truly demonstrated a spirit of openness 和 sharing through this gift.

你能给澳门葡京博彩软件什么? 保持联系.


得到你需要的答案, meet the people working on behalf of Smith’s Office of Alumnae Relations 和 发展, 更新你的信息,这样你就不会错过任何事情. 收到你的来信就是我们办公室愉快的一天, so we encourage you to reach out about getting involved 和 giving to Smith.



不管你是刚毕业的,还是经验丰富的 澳门葡京博彩软件的志愿者, 或者只是和学校重新联系, there are numerous ways you can be involved with Smith by tapping into your talents 和 getting plugged in. 我们可以帮你找到一个非常适合你的人——在这个过程中, 你会学到新的, 宝贵的技能, 扩大你的人际网络, 并感受到与你所珍惜的社区的联系.


Many employers sponsor matching gift programs 和 will match charitable contributions made by their employees. 为了了解贵公司是否有配对礼品政策, please enter your employer's name below 或者向人力资源部查询. 一些大雇主提供非常慷慨的匹配.


If your company matches, you may be able to access the forms directly through the search. Follow the procedure described below; if needed, our staff will be happy to assist. 你的礼物的影响可能是两倍甚至三倍! 有些公司会匹配退休人员和/或配偶的礼物.


匹配的礼物志愿者格兰特 提供的资料

联系校友关系 & 发展

北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 800-526-2023 or 413-585-2020


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